Single use plastic – a clear understanding:

Before going for the “say no to plastic”, “avoid plastic” “go Green” concept, we should understand what is plastic. What are its types? What constitutes plastic? Does plastic have only a negative role to play? If yes, what is the impact of plastic on the society and environment? If not, where plastic is used? How it is recycled? If it is recycled what are the side effects? How the countries across the globe have taken measures to stop using plastic.

We started this tremendous work to make the public understand what plastic to be avoided. There are many types of plastic like single-use plastic, reusable plastic, recycled plastic, plastic-coated products, thermostatic plastic, thermosetting plastic, and many more. Plastics are widely used in food and beverages packaging industries, chemical industries, medical industries, FMCG, Retail industries, and also in our day-to-day life.

In the early stage, plastic was widely used in chemical industries. It was reused and recycled. Years later, plastic came into general public use. The concept of use and throw or one-time use became popular among people and gained more popularity. People started using plastic covers, carry bags, cutlery which are once used and thrown away. It is called single-use plastic. One point here to be very clear is that all plastic cannot be banned. Only single-use plastic can be banned as they consume the maximum landfill and ocean fill. Once they are used, they are thrown away which affect human, animals, ocean animals, and hydrophytes.

Microparticles arise when single-use plastic is not properly disposed of contaminating the environment and becoming one of the threats to climatic change, global warming, and improper weather conditions.

Single-use plastic includes carrying bags, garbage covers, cutlery, coffee stirrers, cotton buds, straw, use and throw tea/coffee cups, juice cups, and many items once used are thrown in the garbage basket or roadside, sometimes on the river bank side. This improper segregation leads to landfills and these form a layer in the earth.

What happens when single-use plastic is not banned or improper segregation? To know more about its impact, visit

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