Oxo-Biodegradable Vs Compostable Bags

In this blog, we are going to have a clean discussion about what is compostable and oxo-biodegradable bags, their difference, pros and cons how they create an impact on the environment. We have already discussed what is compostable and biodegradable bags, and their difference. People would get confused about their similarities but there is always a subtle difference between these two. The main difference is compostable bags need a special facility to break down and the biodegradable bags break down naturally.

Well, what are Oxo-biodegradable bags?

oxo-biodegradable bags or products that are plastics that will biodegrade and leave small particles in the presence of oxygen. These oxo-biodegradable products are made through the extrusion process. It is made by blending the Pro Degradant Additives (PDA) i.e., it is one of the solutions to the low degradability of polyolefins. The PDA is blended into plastic through the extrusion process. Eventually, the PDA will disturb the polyolefins chains by cutting and degrading them. This is how oxo-biodegradable bags are made.

Oxo degradable and Oxo biodegradable:

Oxo degradable bags are used for a long time. It has a high life span if it is not exposed to direct sunlight and kept stored indoors. It undergoes chemical decomposition.

Oxo-biodegradable bags are biodegraded faster in the presence of oxygen leaving harmless plastic which is no longer has the ability to harm the planet. So, the leftover particles are dissolved by the microorganisms.

Thus, we can have a clear conclusion stating compostable bags require a special facility to break down. Biodegradable bags are made of natural materials like corn starch, sugarcane bagasse, jute, and mud that will break down by the actions of microorganisms. Oxo-biodegradable bags are break down in the presence of oxygen and leave harmless particles that are digested by the living organisms.

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